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International Collaboration

New materials serve as the cornerstone of high-tech industries, and the development and application of advanced technologies in this field are crucial for driving economic transformation and upgrading. As the global technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerate, the landscape of new materials is rapidly evolving, and the industry is experiencing robust growth. In this context, accelerating the transformation of advanced new materials technologies into industrial applications plays a key role in elevating China's position in the global competition of new materials industries and achieving high-quality economic development. The development of the new materials industry will feature six prominent characteristics:1. Priority Breakthroughs for Critical New Materials: Focusing on key new materials that face major risks and challenges, ensuring breakthroughs to cope with complex and changing international environments.2. Acceleration of Technological Research and Industrialization: Accelerating the research and industrialization of new materials in critical application areas, driving quality changes in the economy.3. Investment in Disruptive Frontier Materials: Attracting more investment in disruptive frontier materials, becoming a significant force in driving industrial innovation.4. Steady Construction of New Materials Industry Demonstration Bases: Continuously developing demonstration bases to provide robust support for the industry.5. Symbiotic and Collaborative Development with Other Industries: Forming a symbiotic and collaborative relationship with other industries to promote sustainable socio-economic development.6. Rapid Transformation and Upgrading of Enterprises: Adapting to changing market demands and trends through rapid transformation and upgrading of new materials enterprises. Despite the continuous optimization of the policy environment, there are still some challenges in transforming advanced new materials technologies into industrial applications:1. Lack of Corporate Leadership in Technology Development: The primary entities responsible for technology development are still universities and research institutes rather than companies, leading to difficulties in directly applying technological achievements in actual production and complicating the process of commercialization.2. Incomplete Innovation Chain: The innovation chain for new materials is incomplete, with insufficient connection between basic research, applied development, and industrialization.3. Lack of Unified Standards and Statistical Systems: Due to the wide variety of new materials and the blurred boundaries with traditional materials, there is a lack of unified standards and statistical systems, hindering decision-making and policy formulation.4. High Capital Requirements and Financing Challenges: The high capital requirements for new materials development and the significant risk of failure deter investors and create financing gaps. To address these challenges, the following strategies are proposed to accelerate the transformation of advanced new materials technologies into industrial applications: 1. Enhancing Corporate Leadership in Innovation: - Shift the focus of innovation to enterprises, encouraging them to proactively invest in the layout and development of advanced new materials technologies. - Develop products with market potential and long-term value, and take the initiative to undertake relevant research projects. - Deepen cooperation with universities and research institutes to continuously enhance core competencies in new materials technology and product development. 2. Improving the Innovation Ecosystem: - Strengthen the connection between basic research, applied development, and industrialization. - Focus on original innovation, converting fundamental research results into competitive products. - Optimize production processes and expand production scales to meet market demands. 3. Developing Uniform Standards and Statistical Systems: - Engage industry experts and company representatives to formulate and improve national standards and statistical systems for new materials technologies and products. - Establish an authoritative and comprehensive database of new materials to support research and development. - Collaborate closely with international standardization organizations to promote the efficient formulation and widespread adoption of "Made-in-China" new materials standards. 4. Diversifying Financing Channels: - Encourage more private capital to enter the new materials industry and promote the establishment of diversified financing channels, including venture capital, private equity, and industrial funds. - Government-led new materials industry guidance funds can act as lead investors, attracting additional private capital while reducing investment risks. - Foster long-term stable partnerships between banks and new materials enterprises, offering preferential loans and other financial support. - Simplify financing procedures, reduce financing costs, and improve financing efficiency to provide strong financial support for the development of the new materials industry. Implementing these strategies will help overcome the challenges faced by the new materials industry and accelerate the transformation of advanced technologies into industrial applications, driving the high-quality development of China's economy.

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