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The Belt and Road High end Industrial Chain Security Conference - the second in a series
Release Time: 2023-6-16
Source: Chinese Materials Reaserch Society

On the afternoon of June 11, 2023, the "the Belt and Road High end Industrial Chain Security Conference - the second in a series: the development opportunities and challenges of China's chip technology", directed by the China Association for Science and Technology and hosted by the China Materials Research Society, was held at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology. The Chinese Society for Materials Research has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, actively cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, aimed at the serious "choke" problem in the current chip field, and organized relevant government departments, research institutions, and enterprises to jointly discuss difficult nodes and solutions. Nine academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the field of related chips attended, with a total of 12 leaders from government departments and the business community attending. More than 50 chip technology experts attended the meeting.

Semiconductor materials and equipment are the cornerstone of the chip industry chain and the engine driving innovation in integrated circuit technology. On August 9, 2022, US President Biden officially signed the "2022 Chip and Science Act" (referred to as the "Chip Act"), which clearly restricts US companies from supporting semiconductor research and production in countries such as China, and has attracted widespread attention from relevant industries both domestically and internationally. Western countries, led by the United States, continue to implement industrial policies that violate economic laws, with "small courtyards and high walls" in technology and "de sinicization" in the industrial chain. This poses a serious challenge to China's chip industry and related key materials. China has started to catch up in the field of chip technology, but it will take some time to promote and solve the related "bottleneck" technology problems. Achieving rapid breakthroughs in chip technology requires top-level design and scientific strategic layout.

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Listen to the suggestions of academicians

The conference was strongly supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology and the National Key Laboratory of Integrated Circuit Materials. The meeting closely focused on the discussion of the "bottleneck" solution for high-purity raw materials upstream of chips, strategic suggestions for the safety of China's chip technology industry chain and the development of high-end products, and the feasibility outlook for alternative technologies for chip materials. Academicians and experts present at the conference gave exciting keynote speeches and reports around the conference theme, combined with their own main work. The meeting unanimously agreed that to solve the problem of chip "bottleneck" technology, the Party should strengthen its centralized and unified leadership over scientific and technological work. It is recommended to rely on the Central Science and Technology Commission to establish a chip technology expert committee, strengthen top-level design, formulate systematic "bottleneck" technology solutions and development paths, firmly promote the centralized integration of domestic advantageous resources, and strengthen the chain layout of basic research, industrial development, and technology application, Improve strategic positioning and make contributions to promoting the independent development of China's chip industry.