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C-MRS launches Young Elite Scientists Tracking and Cultivation Program
Release Time: 2023-11-13
Source: Chinese Materials Reaserch Society

Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS) always attaches much importance to the cultivation and recommendation of young elite scientists, who have become the main power of scientific and technological innovation in China with great innovation potential. In order to implement the strengthening the cultivation of young elites policy, C-MRS officially starts to launch a Young Elite Scientists Tracking and Cultivation Program and set up Young Elite Scientist Party School.

The opening ceremony of first term of Young Elite Scientist Party School will be held and Young Elite Scientists Tracking and Cultivation Program will be officially initiated in Shenzhen on November 27th, 2023.

This program will help the development of young elite scientists in the following aspects:

1.Award the honorary certificate of Young Elite Scientists Achievement Star.

C-MRS establishes this award to stimulate young scientists to break through conventional thinking and pursue creation and innovation. This award will be granted to young elite scientists who have great progress and achievements.

2. Open the Young Elite Scientist Party School regularly to promote scientists’ spirits.

C-MRS will invite the outstanding scientists of old generations to give the lectures and share their experiences so as to inspire young scientists to firmly establish political stance and to make contributions to China.

3.Organize and hold sharing meetings regularly

C-MRS will organize face to face sharing meetings regularly, which focus on solving difficulties occurred on their development path and provide a academic exchanges platform. The excellent young elite scientists will be invited to share their successful experiences.

4. Organize young elite scientists’ academic forum

Young elite scientists’ academic forum will be held with C-MRS’s conferences and invite excellent scientists to give reports.

5. Track growth of young elite scientists

Young Elite Scientists Tracking and Cultivation Program is an important part for C-MRS to discover and cultivate talents. Based on C-MRS resources, this program will provide exchanges and development platform and help to achieve the projects, promote their technology and look for funds for young elite scientists.

Except for the above aspects, this program also continues to track their growth trajectory and C-MRS will summarize the experience and deficiencies from this work so as to explore the effective mode of supporting young elite scientists. C-MRS hopes to help cultivation and development of young elite scientists by this program and contribute to the development of Chinese materials industry.